As we are approaching June and our Lock Down period is easing slightly, it looks like it's not long until Dental Practices will be able to reopen
(still with some necessary restrictions )
We are all waiting eagerly to get back to looking after all our patients again.
With this in mind we are in full swing of preparing the practice for reopening.
Dates for this has yet to be confirmed.
This is what we can say so far.
There will be some changes in opening hours as we will comply with the social distancing rules of 2m and we want to be able to see as many of you who needs appointments as possible.
Information on opening hours will follow.
You will also notice that access to parts of the waiting room will change and the reception area will look different.
We are proud to say that all dental practices have rigorous cleaning protocols in place already. We mainly have to make sure we don't have too many people in at the same time to avoid crossover as much as that is possible to keep everyone safe.
As usual we will continue to confirm your appointments with a phone call the day before but there will be a few added questions for you in regards to Covid-19symptoms etc.
We will keep you updated on opening dates, hours and other changes here but you can also reach us on the phone

Take care everyone, we can't wait to get back to work!